Exhibitions (Solo & Group Shows):
* 1997- Biennial Juried American Society of Enamellers - Gatlinburg, USA, Studio Fusion London UK (group)
* 2000 - FNB National Craft Exhibition (Award) - South Africa
* 2001 World Summit - selected craft
* 2002-2004 - Jewelry and sculpture at various fine art national South African exhibitions including Brett Kebble Art Awards and National Presidential awards, Pretoria.
* 2004 and 2005 - Schmuck Sonderschau, Munich Germany.
* 2002-2005 - The Contemporary Jewelry Collective (3 women jewelers exhibiting in fine art spaces annually)
* 2006 - Veronica Anderson Jewelry , Johannesburg (group) South Africa
* 2006 - September - First Solo Show at Gold Museum, Cape Town, South Africa